Wind Farm - Fengmiao Phase 2 - Taiwan

parc éolien en mer
Projects & references

Wind Farm - Fengmiao Phase 2 - Taiwan

The precision, expertise, and trusted partnership required for the Fengmiao offshore wind project (Phase II) find their embodiment in SECO International. Our experts have collaborated with the esteemed financial company Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, also known as CIP. This wind farm endeavor involves the construction of 33 XXL  jackets, standing at an impressive one hundred meters and weighing a substantial 2,600 tons each, all topped with a formidable 15MW wind turbine.

SECO International's pivotal role extended to auditing five companies from India, Vietnam, and South Korea engaged in this ambitious project. 

Our qualification audits included:
-    Evaluation of engineering capabilities (workshop drawings)
-    Scrutiny of the supply chain (primary steel, tubulars, etc.)
-    Assessment of welding capabilities
-    Assurance of corrosion protection
-    Evaluation of QA – ISO 9001 and QC system
-    Thorough examination of track records
-    Review of method statement/capacity
-    Evaluation of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) systems

Are you facing the challenge of conducting an audit but uncertain about where to turn? SECO International's experts stand ready to assist you in the UK, Morocco, Romania, Guyana, Guinea, Benin, Cameroon, Uruguay, Mauritius Island, United Arab Emirates... 🌍

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